Sky High Invasion

Now this is a party. As someone who jumped into the Asian Breakbeat genre for a brief time, the creative process of deciding how one wants to remix a song could be rather difficult. “To Club or Not To Club?” This is sometimes the question I ask. I believe this album perfectly captures great artistic value in the art of remixing music and yet still usable for a club. Now granted, the various artist in these remixes are some of the top names in this genre, but that doesn’t mean someone like me shouldn't’’t be able to pull it off too. Enjoy!

Sky High Invasion Tracklist
01 - 00:00 Intro
02 - 01:08 Wake Up Jessie (Loopy & Stevie)
03 - 07:04 I Know (Tinman)
04 - 11:52 Hands Up (Deja)
05 - 14:50 Look At Me Now (Slanki & Wunderboi)
06 - 18:43 Can't Stop Won't Stop (Burst & Stevie)
07 - 23:53 Smooth Gangsta (Stevie)
08 - 27:09 This Is For My (2Tall & Wunderboie & Stevie)
09 - 31:26 Rockin' Rhythm (Stevie)
10 - 35:10 Like a Pimp (Stevie & Loopy)
11 - 41:20 Look At Us (Loopy)
12 - 46:10 Game Over (Shhhadee & Stevie)
13 - 50:05 Dayum (Stevie)
14 - 55:18 Boyz & Girlz (Stevie)
15 - 59:39 Bitch Slap (Burst)
16 - 1:04:58 My Superstar (Stevie & Loopy)
17 - 1:08:51 Swing Swing (Loopy)
